Naureen I. Agha, MD FACP

 As part of the privileges that come with medical licensure - there is also great responsibility in preventing fraud. Dr. Agha is obligated to fill out forms accurately and using the best available knowledge of your history. This sometimes requires quite a bit of time and history reviewing. We schedule forms with a visit so that we have enough time to address forms. Outside of a visit forms are filled at cost for our time and resources at $30 per page to be reviewed and signed.

When bringing in disability forms please note that disability is determined at the state level. Dr. Agha does not determine this. We will fill out forms accurately but honestly and would appreciate patients not to ask us to add to the form. The answer will be “No” if not medically accurate. If you were not seen the day of your work excuse we cannot write that you were seen.

Preoperative orders and letters will be done with in person scheduling and will always need a visit. Your letter will be sent immediately if ready. It is the patient’s responsibility and the surgeon’s responsibility to send us your preop orders at least 3-4 weeks prior to surgery. We will not be able to accommodate rush clearance in interest of our patient’s health.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.